
Session 31

                                                            Session 31 In this Session we can know what is inside your computer: In this link we will complete the following parts of a computer: http://www.kids-online.net/learn/clicknov/clicknov.html 1.- BIOS (Basic Input/Onput System) 2.- The Chipster 3.- The Microprocessor 4.- Drive Bays ( Zip Drive, Hard Drive, DVD Bumer) 5.- Cose Fan 6.- Motherboard 7.- Memory Module 8.- Modem (Modem Speaker) 9.- Power Supply 10.- Sound Board 11.- And latest, The Video Card

Session 32

In this Session we have three game/quiz Game:  http://www.wildwebwoods.org/popup.php?lang=en Quiz:  http://www.safekids.com/quiz/ And other Quiz :  http://www.kidscom.com/games/isg/isg.html

Session 21

                                                      Session 21 Practice: create a travelling brochure for Barcelona , with information about it and useful information for visitors (safety, eating out, clubbing etc). Then upload it using issuu and post it in your blog. And this are the fotos about Barcelona You can see the pictures in this link:  https://issuu.com/yiogtiug

Session 19

                                 SESSION 19            PART 1: IMAGE FORMATS         ACTIVITY:  a) Find out the most common formats for imatges and write a short      description of the feactures of each of them                                                                                                                                    JPEG is short for Joint Photographic Experts Group, and is the most popular among theimage formats used on the web.  JPEG files are very ‘lossy’, meaning so much information is lost from the original image when you save it in JPEG file.   GIF, short for Graphics Interchange Format, is limited to the 8 bit palette with only 256 colors. GIF is still a popular image format on the internet because image size is relatively small compared to other image compression types   The Windows Bitmap or BMP files are image files within the Microsoft Windows operating system.These files are large and uncompressed, but the images are r

Session 15

                         MY WEB SITE: This is my website: https://sites.google.com/site/elvertederodepau/system/app/pages/sitemap/hierarchy

Session 12

My High School by Aïdan Cohen -- Silva on Scribd

Session 7

                                                              Session 7                             Internet Term In this session you are going to consolidate the vocabulary of computers and Internet tems. 1 1. It in an abbreviation for Information Technology. TRUE 2. The Internet and the World Wide Web are the same thing. False 3. A browser is a person who enjoys looking at the WWW. False 4. You can see pictures and words on-line but you cannot listen to sounds.  5. You net the newest, fastest computers to use the Web. False 6. Most Internet users are men. False 7. @ is called ''at'' in English. True 2. Match the words to their definitions  A browser.  Software that lets you access the WWW To download. To get programms from the Internet To chat.  To have a conversation through the internet by wrighting  or speaking Email.  Letters you send by Internet A modem.  Thing that connects a computer to internet Wi-Fi.  Wireless divice tha